گوشت منجمد مرغ بوقلمون بلدرچین فیله ماهی  میگو

Understanding Ethereum Transactions: Contract.Transactions

When working with smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, transactions play a key role in managing the exchange of information between different contract components. In this article, we will take a closer look at the concept of transactions in Ethereum contracts and their use.

Event Structure

In Ethereum, a transaction is defined by its structure:

event (, , );

Here is a breakdown of each field:


In Ethereum contracts, transactions are typically used as callback functions. When an event is sent, the contract calls a method defined in the source code (e.g. contractFunction()) with the specified arguments.

contract Personal contract {

function updateMaxNumber(address indexedplayer, uint maxNumber, uint256 timestamp) public {

// Update the new number here...



UpdatedMaxNumber Event

As you mentioned, the event is fired when the “maxNumber” value is updated:

event UpdatedMaxNumber(address indexedplayer, uint maxNumber, uint256 timestamp);

This event is sent when the contract updates the value of “maxNumber”.

Using events in code

When your contract sends an updated max event, you can handle it with the following code:

force pragma ^0.8.0;

contract Personal contract {

mapping(address => uint256) public maxNumbers;

event UpdatedMaxNumber(address indexedplayer, uint maxNumber, uint256 timestamp);

function updateMaxNumber(address indexedplayer, uint maxNumber, uint256 timestamp) public {

// Update the new number here...

maxNumbers[player] = maxNumber;

emit UpdatedMaxNumber(player, maxNumber, timestamp);



In this example, the “updateMaxNumber” function updates the “maxNumbers” mapping and sends an updated max count event.

Best Practices

When using events in a contract, keep the following best practices in mind:

By understanding how transactions work in Ethereum contracts, you can write more efficient and scalable code that more efficiently handles the exchange of information between different parts of the contract.

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